1 Innovative methods and technologies for recycling biocomposites. Processes for the recycling of the new biomaterials: i) via the recovery of the fibre and matrix through matrix dissolution, ii) by grinding to obtain a reprocessable recycled material for new parts.
2 New value chain for fully sustainable composite materials based on eco-design. Circular economy concept based on using bio-waste in transportation and construction sectors will be optimised and validated for its industrialisation:
2A Natural fibre pilot line production (100 tonnes /year) will be prepared for its industrialisation to 1,000 tonnes /year
2B Production of biobased thermoset resins from sustainable resources (40 tonnes/year) will be prepared for its industrialisation to 500 tonnes/year
2C Commercial agreement among critical actors for the commercialisation of the valorised residues (from bio-waste suppliers to end users, letters of support [SL1-10])
3 New family of composite materials for transportation and constructions sectors. The new family of materials performance will be comparable to classical high performance thermoset composites, but they will overcome their limitations, being easily processable and 100% recyclable. Therefore, this new technology will clearly widen the spectrum of industrial applications for thermoset composites. The development will also allow the partners gaining new knowledge and producing new sustainable products for sale, increasing in this way their competitiveness.
4 Impact of the project on the environmental problems identified and on the socioeconomic conditions. Support document for Spanish, French, Belgium and Dutch government for the recycling strategies and methodologies in transportation and construction, in terms of employment and economic growth.
5 Contact with an audience of at least 150 local stakeholders in the community and 10,000 website visitors. Awareness-raising on plastic composites and waste revalorisation. Recycling protocols and strategies for composite markets.
6 Analysis of replicability and transferability. Assessment of the composite performance in different sectors: Aeronautic (SL1), Civil Construction & Energy (SL2 and SL3), Rail (SL4), and Road (SL5 and SL6) Assessment of other natural fibre sources with an optimized cost/property and processing balance, offering the highest technical performance with minimal ecologic impact (SL9 and SL10).